Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Thoughts on gender stuff these days

Gender gender gender
It’s in the news
The current awkward stumbling
Dance of Venus and Mars
In the sky, both are planets
Neither one better that the other
Nor more powerful
Yet on earth, we speak of men
And wo-men, a noun whose very structure
Suggests one group is a subset of the other
Maybe you can see why I would want
To share some of my observations
About male and female principles and energies
Currently at work in our world
Simply put, things are out of balance
They are so out of balance
That coming back into balance
Is going to feel very destabilizing
We’ve been standing on one foot for a long time
The Mars foot
(Which surely is tired by now)
And when we put down the Venus foot
And can stand, for once, with both feet together
Both feet doing their jobs of holding us up
How easy walking will then seem
We can barely imagine it now but
How delightful it will be when we can run
Wait, I get ahead of myself
First there are some things to figure out
For the imbalance is everywhere
Why, have you ever considered,
Is there an Oscar for Best Actor and Best Actress?
Why categorize by gender
And not, say, race or age?
Or other more arbitrary attributes, like size, as boxing does
(Best Middleweight Actor, anyone?)
Or hair color: Best Performance by a Blonde
We can see that is patently ludicrous
Seems like it makes more sense to say
Lead performer, supporting performer, character performer
In a comedic, dramatic, music, voice-over role and so on
Wouldn’t categories like that be more reflective
Of actual acting accomplishments?
And then…
I bought sheets the other day
Queen size, which are smaller than king, of course
Because queens are less than kings
(I’m not saying we have to change our sheets
I am pointing out how deep this shit goes)
Even the cultural phrase used to discuss this imbalance
Is “Me Too”
As in, “I’ve also been harassed, discriminated against
Unwantedly touched, assaulted and so on”
I understand the power of this movement
How some people were surprised by the all the stories
How some people were surprised that others were surprised
Let’s hope we all learned more about each other
And that it started a conversation that has the potential
To heal some great disconnections
And I am all for healing
But really?
We identify the welcoming back of balance with Venus
By referencing the record of abuse she has withstood?
Not so inspiring as it could be
Even using “man” to mean “everyone”
Well…what is the big deal
It’s just a word, why be picky
We all know that saying “mankind”
Includes women, naturally
But then, try this experiment
Replace that one word
And the fundamental funky imbalance
Becomes immediately obvious
This is a JFK quote (updated):
“Womenkind must put an end to war
Before war puts an end to womenkind”
Now, even if you ignore the additional oddity of  
So closely linking wars with womenkind
The new phrase rings peculiar, right?
It doesn’t sound like a mere variation
It seems like a wholly different thing
Here’s a well-known one, from the moon landing
And by the way, Neil Armstrong insists
He’s been famously misquoted
And really said “That’s one small step for *a* man”
That’s fine, either way works to illustrate the point
Which is if you imagine something like this:
“That’s one small step for a man,
One giant leap for womenkind”?
It sounds incredibly weird
But if things were in balance
If the substitution were mere semantics
Shouldn’t it sound normal?
Maybe it’s not really about the words
(Though I’m a big fan of communication
And better words tend to move that along)
It’s about noticing how embedded these ideas are
Concepts flawed and misleading
Supporting divisions that doesn’t truly exist
How about another thought experiment:
I am 5’1” which
For a female American is considered short
If I were 6’1,” I’d be considered tall
By almost anyone’s definition
So…when do I go from short to tall?
At 5’8”? 5’10”? Who knows?
It’s hard to pick that specific height
The precise measure we can all agree on
My height is not a coin with heads and tails
No definitive flip from short to tall
Only a spectrum of story and opinion and idea
In the same way, no matter how much Mars or Venus
Any one particular person embodies
There is no flip
Everyone has both
Admittedly in widely varying degrees
If I want, I can say it like this:
I am a woman who likes men
I can narrow that down more and say
I am a pink-head who likes redheads
I can also zoom out and say
I am a person who likes other people
That last one, I keep coming back to
I try to take the widest view
The one that includes the most humans
It seems to be a start in bringing together
A people falsely divided and divided and divided
We are suffering from it
So many symptoms I don’t even need to list them
Are you as tired as I am?
I bet you are
All the more reason to thank you for reading
You made the world better by
Taking a few minutes to reflect
On this funky imbalance we got going on
And maybe thereby reducing the funk a bit

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