Monday, August 11, 2014

Author Flotsom

[Editor's note]
It's a few days later and I realize this accidentally got posted somehow. It was in progress for a long time, with me collecting more bits to add, but as that could go on forever, I'm taking this chance to just let it go as it stands and move on.

I'm on a sabbatical from work right now, and trying to discover (or impose) some sense of order with all my personal possessions, weed out and clean it all up, from books and clothes to digital pictures and paperwork.  God, how humans acquire paperwork!  Especially writers - little bits and pieces drift across my brain, and I write them down - or I write down what others say but don't indicate that so I've got sentences I don't know where they came from.  Did I say it?  Did someone I know?  It is a famous quote? Something I read?  Who knows?

And I am collecting these, intending to what?  To use them someday?  Well, someday is here: this stuff is perfect for here, as my blog is already heavily random.  In no order then, a glimpse at my past life.

Fragment of some song in which is I was trying to include as many geek references as possible?
Laz and Lor and the Minotaur
The throne, the King, Frodo and the Ring
Fiddle, faddle, Harry Tuttle
Licks, Zwick, everyone comes to Rick's.

Short good advice poem?
Don't look back
Don't fuck up
Don't fall down

A few one-liners, probably someone was drunk and it seemed funny.
  • Confucius say: You've come a long way, baby
  • My hindsight is blind.
  • What is my life is already a flashback?
  • Any actual reality is always unusual, when you think about it.
  • Inspiration is the cessation of stupidity.
  • You know it's a bad night when your two best friends both compare you to your mother.
  • A new way of thinking is often just stopping the old way of thinking.
  • All these walking, talking creatures around me are suddenly giving me the creeps. (I can only assume I was weirded out by the fact of humans existing, which happens sometimes to me).
  • The DNC makes porn; the RNC make kiddie porn, and the Green Party makes lesbian porn. (Clearly, looking for a good analogy for the problem of political parties in America)
  • Don't use that on your sandwich!  That's nitrogen mustard!
  • Peanuts are NOT a chemical product.
  • I'm the trailer-park Woody Allen (J, 12/13/02 - noted it for once!

Strange way to put this...
I didn't believe in God, I believed in good, and I'd erroneously thought they were bound together. Losing my religion was like breaking up with a boyfriend.  Not that God and I were ever that close, but We'd been together a long time and I had to let everyone know that We'd split.  Or, I guess, I left Him.

Four Choices When Unhappy in any Relationship:
(Not sure these are the ones I would list now, or if this was even me...). 1) End the relationship, 2) Change the nature of your own participation, 3)Accept things as they are or 4) Pretend you don't have a choice.

I think the roommate-friends were driving me crazy, maybe
Do we chose our companions at times like one might chose a dinner or a drink?  As in, I'm not in the mood for this one's heavy pendantics or I am in the mood for that one's relaxed flightiness or her modern cynical sarcasm or his flippant banter.  One could make a dish, so to speak, from several friends: a dash of Bob, a hint of Betty, a sprinkle of Sally and a dollop of Joe.  Sounds socially delicious. My own mood is so fluctuational, that often what I crave, I also sometimes can't stand.  What I don't like in the day, I can't get enough of at night.  His strength irks and inspires; her secret language annoys and also suits like nothing else.

Musing on personal relationships but now it seems applicable to work and general leadership
There must be a way to guide without pushing, to lead without dragging, to help without forcing, to hold without crushing, to take control without taking over, to exercise and not abuse power, to support and not suppress, to lift up but not put on a pedestal.  I want to be helped, not hindered.  I want someone's whose strength works to make me more me, not less me and more him or her.  I want force that is creative, not destructive.  I don't mind being overwhelmed by a sunset, but I don't want to be buried under shit, you know?  I want to be given room, not shown indifference; to be able to grow but not be expected to change (nor conform).  I want to be led, not pulled; to have a place of comfort and not confinement.  I'd love to surrender but I don't want to be made to suffer. I'll join and even submit, but I don't want to be overtaken and have no choice but submission.

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