Friday, September 14, 2018

The Love Song of Lt Reginald Barclay (A Star Trek Next Gen + T.S. Eliot mash up)

The Love Song of Lt. Reginald Barclay

The moon, yes, that shall be my home, my paradise, I shall find there all the souls that I love: Socrates, Galileo – and when they arrive, they will question my worthiness. What the devil is he doing here among us? Philosopher, scientists, poet, musician, duelist…*

Let us go then, you and I,
When the stars are spread against space and sky
The empty vast vacuum of space;
Let us go, through certain asteroid belts and clusters,
The planetoid dusters
And restless nights, spent watching Guinan
Tend bar, watching others drink synth-ale and wine and
Nights that seem to have quantum-level isolation
Or EM radiation
That press on the ache…
Oh, do not ask, “What’s wrong?”
Let us forget and move along.

In Ten Forward the women past me sway
Talking of dark-matter nebulae.

The plasma that runs along the conduits,
The isolinear chips and the nosal conduits,
Prodded their way into the corners of my days,
I linger by the atomic tools, stored in small sub-units,
Having fallen from some young ensign’s hand,
Who, having found a companion or two,
And seeing it is dusk in the arboretum,
Goes out for a stroll and a nightcap too.

And indeed there will be time
For the yellow gridlines of the holodeck,
Stretched out and waiting in expectant squares;
There will be time, even anti-time
To program a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time for matter in the matter stream
And time for interphasic pulses and scans
To give answers for the engineering team;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred hesitations,
And a hundred sweatings and mumblings,
Before a recommendation for the captain to see.

In Ten Forward the women past me sway
Talking of dark-matter nebulae.

And I know there will be time
To wonder, “Is it safe?” and “Is it safe for me?”
Time to leave Transporter Room Three,
With a cracking voice and trembling knee—
(They will say: “You look a little pale”)
My body converted into millions of particles,
Zipping thru space, no margin for error!—
(They will say: “But his skin is clammy, cold and pale”)
Do I dare
To boldly go?
In a nanosecond there is time
To phase and rephase and phase again.

For I know known them already, known them all—
Dehydration and hallucination,
Sleeplessness and paranoid delusions**;
I have propped myself against the reactor wall,
Plexing*** from midnight till noon.
            So how then should I presume?

And would I didn’t know the procedure—
“Transporting is the safest way to travel”?
The idea of being deconstructed, bit by bit
“Being taken apart, molecule by molecule”!
Why to Starfleet did I commit?
And how can I tell Troi I simply unravel?
            And what should I say?

And I have known the whole crew, known them all—
That treat me here with irritated sympathy
(But holodeck’d, how with admiring empathy!)
Is it perfume from Troi’s dress
That puts me in such distress?
Voice that tells me to relax? Breathe deep?
            And how then to resume?
            And how to confess?

Shall I say I have perceived the Universe
As a single equation, and conceived infinity possibilities
Of great deeds and highly evolved intelligence?

I should have stayed a lowly functionary
And found a rock moon hermitage.

And the days and nights go on, so continuously!
Smoothes by inertial dampers,
Enterprise happy campers,
They bustle past me in the corridor, bumping me.
And should I, after warm mile, or Earl Grey, hot,
Have the strength to speak, to say even one jot?
But though I have plexed and paced, plexed and breathed,
Though I have heard them (even Jean-Luc) call me Broccoli,
I am no commander – a Starfleet anomaly;
I have seen my holodeck friends fade and flicker,
And I have heard Wesley and Geordi snicker
In short, I am “just shy.”

And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the sub-space, dilithium and quantum electrodes,
Among the distortion and parameters and tricorder diodes,
Would it have been worth while,
To look at Troi and force a smile,
To reduce the whole quadrant into a ball
To roll it towards you, or any of the crew,
To say, “I am Kayless, come back from beyond!
Come back to sing Klingon opera and tell you all.”—
If she, eating chocolate, should discreetly yawn
            And say: “That is not what I like,
            Not Klingon opera, at all.”

And would it have been worth it, after all,
Would it have been worth while,
After the anti-grav and the invidium and warp-core breach,
After the “standby” and the “engage” and the humming ODN conduits—
After this, and all the bits?—
It is impossible to say just what I mean!
But if you could call it up—say, “Computer! Barclay, onscreen.”
Would it have been worth while
If one, who with Riker and Worf will sup,
Should turn to me, the counselee,
And say: “I’m sorry, Reg
But time’s up.”

No! I am not Picard, nor was meant to be;
An assistant engineer will do
To run a level-one diagnostic or two,
Advise Geordi or Picard, on what to do,
Deferential, glad to be of service,
Hesitant, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of hollow fronts but a bit ridiculous—
Always, ever askew.

I’m so shy….I’m so shy….
I shall transfer to the Pegasus or Odyssey.

Shall I try to woo the Doctor? Do I dare tower o’er Riker?
I shall draw my sword the swiftest, and be the better fighter.
I have seen the officers fencing, each with each.

I do not think that I shall win this time.

I have seen them, tossing back fine capes and hats
Meeting me in swordplay or a rowdy brawl
While the Goddess of Empathy calls out her call.
I have lingered in holo chambers of Deck Three
With kind women dressed in floaty green and brown
Till summons over com badge finds me, and I drown.

*Lines from Cyrano de Bergerac as performed by Barclay in “The Nth Degree”
**Symptoms of transporter psychosis  
***Plexing is a Betazoid relaxation technique; by tapping the nerve clusters on the carotid artery behind the ears, endorphins are released

(c) Kar Davis, 2018

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